Why is it so hard for us to listen to our inner voice?
Why is it so hard to take action on what we already know?
We hear the voice.
We hear the call.
We hear our intuition.
We know what we should do, but we don’t step up to the plate for ourselves.
In some cases, fear. Yes.
But most of the time, I think it’s because we’ve created a HABIT of not listening.
We’ve gotten used to the INERTIA.
We’ve learned to ignore our intuition.
What the what.
We’ve told ourselves FALSEHOODS about how things have to be.
Or what business has to look like.
Or what life SHOULD look like.
Or what we have to do to be responsible.
Or respectable.
Or how things need to be perfect.
What SHOULD matter.
How people should show up for you.
How work should be.
How life could be – if only….
We’ve told ourselves lies about all sorts of things that we know (in our cortex mind) are not real, or true, or rational.
The programming of…
The doubts of…
The insecurities of…
Don’t screw up.
Don’t take that road.
Don’t skip the steps.
Don’t be too much.
Don’t be too risky.
Don’t make mistakes.
Don’t make a wrong turn.
That negative self-talk does battle with our inner voice, our inner intuition, our inner calling.
And that battle between our doubts and our intuitive voice is Ex-haus-ting.
Feels like a slow suffocating death.
What would it feel like to grant yourself permission?
Full permission?
All-in, no-holds-barred, off-to-the-races, unlimited-access, radical-stance-permission?
I’m talking about the kind of permission that doesn’t make excuses,
Or justifications for why you’re not doing the thing.
The kind of permission that grants, allows, receives, and aligns with the thing.
The ALL-IN version of you.
Have you ever allowed yourself to operate fully from that space?
Like fully, fully?
What could you do, or achieve, or receive from that space?
What doors might open?
What possibilities might unfold?
What opportunities might you magnetize?
And more importantly, what would it feeeeel like to back yourself?
To FULLY back yourself?
To bet on yourself.
Every time.
To FULLY bet on YOU?
To know that you are COMPLETELY INVESTED in you.
No questions asked.
No “maybe tomorrow.”
No “when the timings better.”
No longer.
Just stepping up to the plate and swinging the bat.
Just tuning in and listening deeply to the intuitive voice.
Just trusting and believing.
Just allowing the process to unfold.
Just allowing it to be whatever it is.
And fully knowing that whatever it becomes, is exactly as it should be.
Trusting and believing that the voice, wisdom, intuition, and guidance are there for a reason.
Trusting that they are trying to steer you where you need to go.
Trusting in The Plan.
Trusting in the process.
Trusting in your capacity.
Knowing it’ll get it done.
Knowing it’ll happen.
If you let it.
Drop into that space.
Drop into that mode.
LISTEN to the intuitive voice that has been calling out to you.
Decide to listen.
Decide you deserve true abundance.
Decide you deserve time-freedom.
Decide you deserve your ideal clients.
Decide you deserve a work environment that LIGHTS YOU UP.
Decide you deserve relationships of depth, substance, and alignment.
Decide what matters in your life truly.
And then…
Take action on your dreams.
Take action on your next best move.
Take action on the thing you’ve been putting off,
Or delaying, ignoring, or procrastinating for one reason or another.
None of those reasons are really in true integrity for you.
Get out of your way.
Do the thing.
Take the risk.
Be bold.
Be unapologetically you.