“Success” in air quotes.
What does that mean…?
Success at the expense of everything else, is not success.
Success is often defined as reaching or exceeding a goal.
That makes a certain kind of sense.
That’s the common parlance.
We meet the goal. We surpass the goal. We feel pride, we celebrate. Hooray.
Pat on the back.
Seen through another lens, however – that (common) definition of success is SO limited. It’s narrow.
I have met so many successful people who want more.
Hungry for more.
Crave more.
Desperate for more.
Need more, driven for more.
And that’s okay. But be crystal clear on what MORE means for YOU.
Not everybody else.

What lies beyond success? What comes next?
What happens after the goals have been met?
How can we leverage “success” to drive deeper understanding, alignment, and fulfillment?
Well, first, let’s toss out the word “success.”
There is a REORIENTATION to success that must occur for deeper meaning, and fulfilment to flow.
We have to shift our relationship with the word – and with all the programming surrounding the word.
I want you to have:
Success in relationships.
Success in health and mental health.
Success in parenting.
Success in well-being.
Success in life.
Success and deep satisfaction.
AND YES – success in career and finances as well.
BUT NOT at the expense of every other facet of your life.
So, it’s an important question to ask.
If you are seeking deeper passion, purpose, connection, and alignment, then the answer lies in evolving beyond limited, traditional definitions of success.
Reframe the word “success.”
The true meaning of success is about more than just material gain.
A successful life is a life well-lived.
Real success comes from within.
True wealth, inner wealth.
Success is about stretching and continually reaching for a life of significance.
It’s about the PURSUIT of deeper connection, the pursuit of happiness.
Specifically –
Don’t get the Master’s degree to make your family proud.
Don’t take a high-pressure job for the prestige.
Don’t worry about being seen – by people you don’t care about anyway.
Don’t worry about failure that lives only in your head.
Don’t worry about the comparisons.
Don’t worry about your sales. The sales will work themselves out in the ebb and flow of all things.
Don’t sacrifice so much sleep.
Don’t push, grind, and hustle at the expense of your relationships.
Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Don’t fall in love with anyone’s protentional.
Don’t worry about the money. You can always make more money.
Don’t beat yourself up all the time.
Don’t worry about perfection. It’s an illusion anyway.
Do – Worry about time. It is the most precious resource, and we all tend to waste it like crazy.
Do – Worry about your health and well-being. You deserve to be happy, healthy, and whole. Invest in yourself. You will not regret it, I promise you.
Do – Consider the spiritual, supernatural, religious, or “other” sides of things. Whatever that means for you. Connect with Spirit, Source, God.
Do – Get outside.
Do – Give back. Being of service to others will fill you up.
Do – Get into the right space. Headspace and physical space. You have to create the right environment.
Do – See yourself striving for more. From a place of health, grace, and alignment.
Do – Practice gratitude.
Do – Stretch and challenge yourself. Always.
When we live, work, and play from alignment- things unfold differently.
When we are truly able to align ourselves with our deepest values, dreams, desires, and passions –
When we can tap into our innermost truth –
When we can access our Zone of Genius –
We open up possibilities that go far beyond “success.”
We unhinge ourselves from small thinking.
We disconnect from thinking traps, and cognitive limitations.
We see with fresh eyes.
We choose again.
We drop into a new perspective about what it means to live AUTHENTICALLY.
We connect with what matters, with what deeply and truly matters.
And then we go and do it.
We go and LIVE it.
We go and BE it.
When we level up, we step into who we truly are at our core.
Who we are, and always have been.
It’s a remembrance.
We learn how to leverage our uniqueness in service of something bigger.
When this happens, true wealth begins to unfold in every area of life— spiritually, financially, emotionally, physically, mentally, temporally, energetically, and beyond.
It’s real.
It’s powerful.
Success at the expense of everything else, is NOT success.
What lies beyond success is the evolution of alignment.