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The Rainbow Story

  Once upon a time, there was a Little Girl. She dreamt of being a mermaid. It was all she wanted in life, to swim with the sea creatures, and to live among the coral reefs. She wanted to swim very deep, as far as she could go, to the heart of the earth. The […]

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Once upon a time, there was a Little Girl.

She dreamt of being a mermaid. It was all she wanted in life, to swim with the sea creatures, and to live among the coral reefs. She wanted to swim very deep, as far as she could go, to the heart of the earth. The heart of the earth must be the heart of the ocean, and that seemed like a beautiful place to the Little Girl. But sadly, the Little Girl was a human being trapped on land. She was the reverse Little Mermaid — the human who wanted to live under the waves.

One day, the Little Girl was staring up at the sky, watching the clouds drift by. She was creating possibilities in her mind. The Little Girl saw a rainbow in the sky. It felt very far away.

The Little Girl had heard that if you follow a rainbow to its end, you’ll find a pot of gold. To the Little Girl, this sounded like a fantastic adventure, with a great reward. So, she set out on her journey to find the treasure.

The journey was more difficult than she’d envisioned. The Little Girl was not well prepared, and she had never been on a journey like this. But the Little Girl was determined. She locked her eyes on the horizon and fixated on the point where the Light met the ground. She was steady, sure, and focused. As the Little Girl traveled, she never stopped to look up.

Along the way, the Little Girl began finding crystals. The Little Girl thought this was very odd. She had never seen anything quite like these crystals; they glowed with all the colors of a rainbow. Some were large, some were small, and some were shaped like seashells. Each one she found she picked up and put in her backpack.

The Little Girl kept trudging on her journey, looking for that pot of gold, never looking up. She told herself all the difficulties would be worth it once she found the treasure at the end of the rainbow.

The Little Girl began finding more and more of the crystals. The ground was strewn with them. She continued to pick them up and put them in her backpack. She didn’t know what they were, but she knew they must be precious because of how they held the Light.

The Little Girl came to a very steep mountain. She struggled each step of the way. She slipped, fell, and scraped her knees. The Little Girl was exhausted. Her feet were raw and bleeding from the long journey, her shoes didn’t fit right anymore. The Little Girl was lonely, cold, and hungry. Plus, her backpack had become so heavy; it was so full. The Little Girl didn’t know how she would make it. She felt like she couldn’t take another step. She decided to stop and make a fire. She thought she’d better rest before she pushed on. All she could think about was the prize at the end of the rainbow. This left the Little Girl feeling very drained and sad because she knew she had so much more to travel.

As the Little Girl was setting up her camp, she finally looked up. She wanted to check her progress against the rainbow she’d been following. She saw something surprising. It looked like the rainbow was melting. Colors were dripping off the sides, like teardrops. When they landed on the ground, they crystallized and solidified. The arc looked like it was breaking. “That’s so sad,” she thought. “If the rainbow is broken, I wonder if there will be any gold.”

The Little Girl still wanted to continue. She recognized that if she was going to make it to her destination, she would have to cut some weight. As the Little Girl emptied her backpack, she began to look more closely at the crystal shards. She studied how they caught and held the Light of the campfire, almost golden. She saw the pattern the crystals made on the ground, every color of the rainbow, right at her feet. She arranged them in a way that felt right in her gut, she had an inner knowing.

Suddenly, a bright white light burst forth from the crystals. The Little Girl was amazed and astonished. She didn’t fully understand what was happening. In a flurry of brilliance, a new rainbow broke free. It started right from her camp, right from her backpack, right from her feet.

Unbeknownst to the Little Girl, she’d been carrying the rainbow with her all along. She had to pick up the pieces along the way. It had seemed so heavy, so hard to carry, such a burden.

At that moment, the Little Girl realized the rainbow she had been following wasn’t meant for her. She knew the treasure she’d been chasing wasn’t what she thought it was.

The Little Girl bathed in the light of the new rainbow. It surrounded her and enveloped her in a warm embrace. She felt a sense of peace. The Little Girl realized that she was the treasure at the end of the rainbow. All her lessons were within. It was a new understanding. She had to look inside to find her answers. The moment the Little Girl realized her Truth, was the moment the new rainbow was born.

The Little Girl finally felt like a Mermaid, fully understanding the depths.


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