I’d like to the talk about being the Light, and standing in certainty, standing in alignment, standing in the truth of who you are, without fear and spreading your light and shining brightly for everyone to see.
I had an incredible session with a client. They were telling me that they’re not going to stop being vulnerable, raw, and real. And if it comes back to bite them, or if they get screwed, or burned then that’s kind of just the cost that comes along with being vulnerable.
Then, we looked deeper.
The client and I talked about examining those core beliefs and challenging those core beliefs.
It’s beautiful that you stand in your integrity, and your certainty, in your truth of being vulnerable, authentic, raw, and real.
There’s a core belief in there about “if I’m vulnerable I will get hurt,” “if I’m vulnerable it will come back to bite me,” “if I’m vulnerable bad things can happen.”
The client and I talked about — INSTEAD — aligning to a Higher Truth –
& Calling people into your life who won’t burn you for being your authentic self, for being vulnerable –
People who are in alignment themselves,
who are in integrity themselves,
who are not threatened by any of that — who are more aligned.
Fears are a big part of what holds us back.
Fear of judgment,
fear of failing,
fear of making mistakes,
fear of speaking up –
that’s all real and that’s all valid.
BUT — I believe in stepping forward anyway.
Fear of exposing problems,
fear of challenging the status quo,
fear to openly contribute your lived experience,
maybe there are identity pieces that you don’t feel safe to share,
fear of change,
fear of taking risks,
for of not being good enough,
fear of letting people down —
We are our hardest critics. The voices in our head are 10 times louder than anything else.
If we can get out of our way, that’s the key.
There’s quote by the Buddha that I’m going to paraphrase.
Thousands of candles can be lit from one candle, It doesn’t it doesn’t detract from the first candle. It doesn’t take anything away from it. Nothing is lost. So, by spreading your Light, by lighting more candles, nothing is diminished, it only grows.
If standing in your truth, your authentic certainty, your alignment, your truth, your connection with your higher self, or your higher power, or your integrity, your orienting value system, your truth — If standing in that feels scary, that’s okay.
If surrendering or turning it over to God feels scary, that’s okay.
That’s okay. If fear of being seen feels scary, that’s okay.
Trust that you are being held.
Trust that you are being guided.
Trust that there is something greater at work.
Whatever is within you that’s pulling you, or pushing you, or guiding you, or nudging you along the way to be more vulnerable, to be more open, to shine more brightly, then that’s all-in alignment. And that’s all coming through from a greater good, for greater good, for greater purpose, and greater mission.
It’s OK to speak up. It’s OK to take risks. It’s OK to fail. It’s OK to make mistakes. It’s only in failing that we learn and grow (but that’s for another day).
SO –
Even though it’s scary, even though it feels like you’re going to die, even though it feels like you’re going to be judged, and people are going to be mean, or think you’re crazy person, or whatever –
That’s OK!
Show up anyway.
Show up for yourself,
show up for your clients,
show up for your family,
show up for your higher purpose,
your higher self,
your aligned mission –
Show up anyway. Step forward anyway.
Take the risk. Be bold. Shine brightly. Be the light. Spread the light. Share your light.